Love Spell 和合法事

Luk Yam is a branch of Taoist White Magic.  You can expect minimal adverse consequences from the spells as we do not catch and keep ghosts as spirit servants, extract oil from corpses or cast evil spells to harm people.

Before deciding to cast a love spell, we recommend a Four Pillars of Destiny (Bazi) evaluation to be performed first to determine if the two persons are destined for each other.  If there is genuine love between the two but they are being apart due to some short-term hiccups, our love spells can help to smoothen things  up and expedite the reunion of the two persons. (The outcome varies by the person.  We cannot guarantee a 100% success rate!)


師傅建議各善信宜先用八字推算一下,是否真正緣盡,若仍有緣份,亦可以透過法門重修舊好, 令大家回復好感, 並再慢慢重新經營;若緣份已盡,亦可以趁早籌劃前路。(有關效果因人而異,師傅不能保証100%成功!)


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